Is Your Skin Dehydrated or Just Dry?

Often these two terms - dehydrated skin and dry skin, get used interchangeably, but they aren’t the same! When I talk to my clients about this, many wonder what the difference is. 

There is a subtle difference between dry and dehydrated skin, but it’s one I encourage you to notice so you can take the right steps to help!

Dry Skin Vs. Dehydrated Skin

So what is the difference between the two? 

One key characteristic of dry skin is that it is always dry, often feeling tight, flaky, and sometimes itchy. When you have dry skin, you usually have it all over the body, not just on the face. 

Dry skin is generally caused because you are producing fewer oils. Dehydrated skin, on the other hand, is caused by your body’s lack of water. 

When you have dehydrated skin, only parts of your skin feel dryer, and your T-zone (your nose & forehead area) may actually be slightly oily. 

What Causes Dehydrated Skin?  

There are a variety of factors that can cause dehydrated skin, some of the most common include: 

  • Caffeine

  • Allergy medications

  • Diuretics (medications or alcohol)

  • Sun exposure

  • Weather

Quick Tests To See If Your Skin is Dehydrated 

Quick Test 1:  Push the fleshy part of your cheek up with your finger, and if you see wrinkling, you are likely dehydrated. 

Quick Test 2: Gently pinch your skin and look for wrinkling or indentation that takes a few seconds to return to normal; that is another sign of dehydrated skin.

How To Improve Your Dehydrated Skin

If you are experiencing dehydrated skin, there is good news! You can correct it with just a few steps. 

First, be sure to drink plenty of water; our skincare really does come from the inside out. 

Add a lightweight serum or lotion that has hyaluronic acid and ceramides into your routine. My go-to suggestion is always HydraQuench; I love that it is non-greasy and has many antioxidants and ingredients that protect your skin. 

It’s one of the easiest, most effective products to help your dehydrated skin while also boosting dullness, improving the appearance of enlarged pores and uneven skin tone, and creating a natural moisture barrier.  

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