Why Use Eye Cream VS Face Cream?
A question I often get is: “Why can’t I use my facial moisturizer as my eye cream?”
Oh… so many reasons.
Eye Skin isn’t Face Skin
First, the eye tissue is the most delicate and thinnest tissue on your face. Typically we look at the eyes and hands to tell people’s age, right?
Second, eye creams are created with lower percentages of active ingredients than facial creams are because those eye tissues are so delicate. Everyone has experienced the eye-burn from getting your sunscreen to close to your eyes or sweating enough that it runs into your eyes. Maybe you’ve also gotten red and dry from your Retinol/Retin-A migrating into the eye tissue? This is exactly why it’s important to only use eye cream around your eyes and not your daily moisturizer.
You Want it to Work, Right?
And finally, the eye tissue absorbs cream more quickly than your facial skin. Thus a different type of cream is needed to get the most benefit. Also, most eye creams are now formulated to help with lightening dark circles which a facial moisturizer isn’t going to do for you. And everyone is interested in brighter eyes!
For best lifetime performance of skin around your eyes, eye creams should be part of your everyday skin care regimen starting as a young adult and forward.
Through my research and testing I have found an eye cream I love and recommend. It is part of my preferred line of skin care products. The powerful peptides and vitamins help to promote collagen, strengthen capillaries and reduce dark circles. For best results it’s ideal to use the Anti-Aging Eye Cream twice daily.